Working From Home Is A New Normal

Work From Home: A FAD OR THE NEW NORMAL? - BW people

Today’s fact! The new normal thing is working from home, as we all get along with this fact or a new habit to get all that zoom meetings, video calls are very common these days for all of us. The last couple of months has been an entirely new experience for all of us. I never imagined in my memory that has so many people were restricted to their homes, and never have we been forced to find solutions overnight for maintaining work and learn from the situation. While working from home is the new normal, the speed at which individuals and organizations have had to familiarize themselves with this change has left them dealing. Not only need to find ways of making sure business continues with the least interruption, but they also need to do or perform it in a very safe and secure manner.

As for now we have no options but to do work from home, but here the good news no need to get worried anymore, you can easily access and manage all your work stuff on only one app “Mainly”. Yes, you hear it right, it’s a game-changer for your business, with the help of this you can easily manage all yours as well as your employee’s activity. Actually, it is seen that people became more comfortable, relaxed, and calm while using our app when dealing with each other, which increased the satisfaction level of the overall employee. A key for a successful business is “A happy employee is a productive employee!”

I believe it has been a win-win situation for us. All the team members, including the owner of the company, are now working in a much more calm and productive manner while working from home. As we all know, physical visits to the office were not viable during these times, both business and consulting guys worked together efficiently to move the indicator forward without any major hitches. WFH gives us so many reasons to be happy as we have no need to be worried about long commutes, we always had our families around us, and we were able to implement a severe sense of discipline to our schedules. Using excels and managing docs, handling many apps is so much of a headache. Mainly helps you to use your time productively and creatively.

It helps you modernize all un-organized processes of your company. Monitoring your business and managing day-to-day operations, for all problems only one solution. We believe in best so we create this app where you will quickly interact with anyone from the company, all the departments are interlinked with each other so that you can quickly and easily access the departments whichever you want. Always get notification on every update, in short, you have full control of your company’s employees, manager’s work, and their performance through this app.

Mainly helps to improve the environment of by working from home and provide more flexibility to organize your work according to your preference. No matter what circumstances occur, but you will always be updated and notified on your fingertip. Nowadays t’s become normal to log onto your device while getting your car serviced, juggling children, or going for a run. Or even all at once. In this situation, it’s very important that we have proper time management tools which help us to manage all our work according to our flexibility. Over the 12 months or don’t know till what time we have to face this situation but in this particular situation, we at least get some time to spend with our family, from our busy schedule we get the chance to see the faces of our family members. It becomes an important part of our work culture from now on.

Working from Home: Navigating the Pandemic's New Normal - Knowledge@Wharton

There are so many companies who already added work from home policies for their employees on a long-term basis and many yet to implement. WFH is the only option we have and this Mainly plays a game-changer role where you can easily access this app and if you want then we can modify it for you according to your business process. Our applications are so flexible so no need to get worried about anything. Whatever you do, you can do it on it. There is so much in it – attendance, announcement, chats, planner, calendar, everything which one wants to have when you WFH. Our app made WFH to be so easy and flexible.

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